Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Seeking the Savior

For the past several Christmas seasons our family has sat down to watch the classic nativity story. Over the years we’ve gotten into the habit of skipping through the two-hour movie to watch our favorite scenes—which never fails to include all the wisemen scenes!  

This December I've been thinking on the wisemen. Though the Bible details little specifically on these wise old men, I imagine it took an incredible amount of faith for them to journey to see Jesus. Though they were rich, I can’t imagine a journey of months was without great discomfort and problems—aches and pains that would have been avoided if they had just stayed in the East. But they didn’t. Just think: The Israelites had been eagerly waiting the coming of their Messiah, but when he came they missed Him, because they were seeking after what Jesus could give them, not who he was. While the Israelites demanded something of Jesus, the wisemen sacrificed to see Jesus. 

My very favorite scene in the nativity story is when the third wisemen approaches the manger. When he finally sees Jesus, all his complaining and second-guessing vanishes because he knows without a doubt that Jesus, the Son of God, is worthy of sacrifice.  As Christmas comes to a close this 2015 year, my prayer is that in 2016 I would sacrificially seek after the Savior. For 2016 it may mean giving up sleep, time, desires, or comforts and it will most certainly mean having my sinful heart exposed. But, as the third wisemen saw, that’s all ok if it means that in 2016 I see the Savior! 

  • What are you willing to sacrifice to see Jesus?
  • What discomforts will you endure just to see Jesus? 

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