Questions to Ponder

We constantly inhale information. News articles, commercials, movies, books and music all present us with information about something. Yet it’s extremely easy for us not to ponder how we’ll use the information we receive. 

Growing up in a Christian home has caused us to see how easily we take in information about God at a head-knowledge level, without allowing it to resonate deeply through application, or heart-knowledge.

To help all of us become doers of the Word and not merely hearers, we've created a “Questions to Ponder” segment in a majority of our blog posts. It’s one of our favorite aspects of Unrestrained Grace.

Designed to help us think deeply about the truths we explore, “Questions to Ponder” provides a bridge from information to life-transforming, personal application by offering questions to help deepen your relationship with Christ.

We don’t want to just be informed, we want to be transformed.