Recommended Books

We love books and are constantly being challenged, encouraged and blessed by the words of wisdom from mature Christian authors. Here are our top picks.

by David Platt

Radical was the first book I read that honestly asked me to consider "is Jesus worth loosing everything?" David Platt helped me rethink my own Christian life by taking me to Gods Word though which Platt challenged me die to myself daily and take up my cross and follow Jesus.  

A Praying Life 
by Paul Miller

Miller's book completely transformed by view of prayer, its an easy read that felt very applicable to my struggles with prayer. A Praying Life led me to the cross in a powerful and new way and opened my eyes to see God as a personal and loving Father. 

Relationships: A mess worth making 
by Paul Tripp & Timothy Jones

Relationships throw us upon the grace of Christ. Tripp & Lane show us that though very messy, relationships are always worth the effort. With Scriptural hope and practical help, this book explains how to pursue people in love, handle conflict, and see your relationships as an opportunity to be an ambassador for Christ.
What Do They Think of Me? Why Do I Care? 
by Ed Welch

Geared towards teens and young adults, this book is easy to read, but filled with deep truths regarding the common struggle of people-pleasing. He reminds that all struggles flow out of worship and asks questions to help you see what you're believing about God, yourself, and others.